March 26, 2022

Good Neighbor Commandments Obelisk

Back in 2014, as a joke, Abnor Mole put together a cute Obelisk model with 4 "Commandments" for better community living on the SL Mainland. While never intended as actual 'rules' they've always been good words to live by for folks making publicly accessible community builds. These obelisks have seen a bit of a resurgence in recent years, owing to renewed interest in roadside building.

To quote from Abnor's own description:
Something I made as a little joke. They aren't "commandments" really... more like non-binding suggestions.

I personally like mainland. It saddens me to see what it has become with everyone in their little walled gardens with "keep out" signs, ban lines, security orbs and huge walls so people can't see in (as if they can't just move their camera view).

SL is a virtual world practically *made* for social interaction. Mainland is a community within that world. I've met the most interesting people by just saying hello to them as I passed by while exploring. I invite them into my home. They invite me into theirs. Friendships are made.

Try it. You might like it. ;)

Oh, and the obelisk? It's free to copy of anyone wants one. *smiles*

Here's a full breakdown of the "Commandments" (Really more of non-binding suggestions)

I. Thou shalt allow build and run scripts on thy land and use autoreturn to keep it tidy, for it is thy friend
II. Thou shalt beget privacy walls, screens, and shrubbery around thy land which please the eye of thy neighbor as they do thyself
III. Thou shalt not set thy security orb to teleport people without at least a one minute warning, lest thou beest a jerk
IV. Thou shalt not block roads or sea lanes with thy objects, nor shall ye set ban lines, for they are the suck

The commandments are presented in the order they were originally on the Obelisk

Abnor's original Obelisk was offered, for free, with copy and transfer permissions, but it was no-modify. Meaning that if you didn't have room for a 1m x 1m x 7m tall obelisk, you were out of luck!

I thought this would be a good project for learning more about Blender, so I modeled up a nice little mesh obelisk, and set up the textures, advanced materials, engraved lettering, and a nice brass plaque.

At it's stock size of 4m tall, my Obelisk model clocks in at 1Li. If you scale it up to the size of Abnor's original, it comes in at 4Li, but you can scale it to any size you like, because this one is modifyable!

Check it out on the SL Marketplace

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